SCR #3825 11/04/21 3.3.01 des WGI - REL3^VER3^WGI01^20211104 WGI - REL3^VER4^WGI01^20211104 WGI - REL4^VER0^WGI01^20211104 WGI - REL4^VER0^WGI01^20211104 Reference H24-342427 Symptom: The following log message is generated and the line goes abnormal: 21-08-11;12:43:08.655 $NET1 ACI.XPNET.3300 46 Station STATION1 on Line LINE1 closed because of a fatal Guardian error 179 (179) Previous STARTED, Current ABNORMAL Problem: Error 179 was considered fatal. Change: Changed so that error 179 is non-fatal. Implementation: Install the new files on the XPNET subvol. Rebuild the NETWORK object using the NETB file. Dependencies: None.